NLRB Order Changes Rules on Severance Agreements

The NLRB recently issued a ruling that reinstated the strict traditional rule that employer-offered severance agreements cannot be conditioned on certain non-disparagement and confidentiality provisions.
Investment Tax Credits (ITC) for Solar

The Senate passed the Inflation Reduction Act (H.R. 5376) on August 7, and the bill now heads to the House. The bill provides a long-term extension of the investment tax credit (ITC) for solar as well as opportunities to earn “bonus credits” in certain cases. This Insight from Paul Burkett and the Energy Group summarizes […]
Are You Prepared for the Changes to the Lead and Copper Rule?

On July 27, 2022, Governor Sununu signed HB 1421-FN which amended RSA 485:17-a lowering the action level in schools and childcare facilities to 5 ppb, including an obligation to conduct new sampling and review recent test results. On December 17, 2021, EPA finalized the long-awaited revisions to the Lead and Copper Rule. The final […]
Alexandria Russell and Ken Bartholomew Report on Remote Work in Post-Pandemic America

More than a year ago, many if not most businesses in New Hampshire faced the decision to either curtail operations or find new and creative ways for employees to work remotely due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many employers had to and continue to navigate through a myriad of pandemic-related issues, including employee furloughs or layoffs, wage and hour issues, leave requests and the creation of new policies dealing with the safety and health of employees during the pandemic. Now, as the state vigorously pursues vaccination efforts, employers will have challenges about what a post-pandemic “new normal” will look like for them and their employees. Read the full article, published in the New Hampshire Bar News (April 2021) here.