Our Firm
Advocacy Through Action
Our Firm
Advocacy Through Action
Our History
Our History
Who We Are
Who We Are
Rath, Young and Pignatelli merges traditional legal practice areas with legislative and public policy expertise. We have earned a reputation for achieving client success through skillful and creative advocacy in private party negotiations, before courts, regulatory agencies, and legislatures.
Our professionals are leaders in key sectors of our economy where business and government intersect including business and finance, energy, tax, health care, environmental, and insurance.
May 18, 1987


With a team of 7 professionals, Rath, Young & Pignatelli opens its offices on Main Street in Concord, NH - one block from the State House.

Founding shareholder Sherry Young named Legal Counsel for legislative matters to Governor Judd Gregg.

On behalf of Northeast Utilities, RYP successfully advocates for the acquisition of Public Service Company of New Hampshire during a one-day special session of the New Hampshire State Legislature.

RYP (particularly Tom Rath) assists in the confirmation of the nomination of David H. Souter by President George H. W. Bush as an associate justice of the United States Supreme Court.

The Firm’s Practice areas have expanded to include, Litigation led by Mike Pignatelli, Environmental Law led by Sherry Young, Government Relations and Administrative Law, led by Tom Rath, and cutting edge Tax and Energy practices, led by Bill Ardinger and Curt Whittaker.

RYP opens an office in Nashua

Former shareholder Paul Barbadoro is nominated by President George Bush and confirmed as a Judge of United States District Court for the District of New Hampshire.

RYP moves to office space at One Capital Plaza Concord, NH

RYP adds a strategic consulting component, The Rath Group. The Firm acquires the Boston, Massachusetts law firm of Stalter and Kennedy, adding a Boston office and strengthening its real estate practice.

Bill Ardinger is appointed by Governor John Lynch to serve on the Board of Trustees for the University System of New Hampshire

The Firm, through Tom Rath, partners with the Washington Post, Bloomberg News, Dartmouth College and Binnie Media to produce a Republican presidential candidate debate in Hanover, NH.

RYP celebrates its 25th anniversary.

The Firm’s Tax Group is a founding member and organizer of the New England State and Local Tax Forum.

Former shareholder Ann McLane Kuster is elected to Congress for the 2nd Congressional District of New Hampshire.

Former shareholder Lucy Hodder is named Legal Counsel to Governor Maggie Hassan.

RYP has grown to almost 50 employees, with offices in Concord, Nashua and Boston.

With a team of 7 professionals, Rath, Young & Pignatelli opens its offices on Main Street in Concord, NH - one block from the State House.

Founding shareholder Sherry Young named Legal Counsel for legislative matters to Governor Judd Gregg.

On behalf of Northeast Utilities, RYP successfully advocates for the acquisition of Public Service Company of New Hampshire during a one-day special session of the New Hampshire State Legislature.

RYP (particularly Tom Rath) assists in the confirmation of the nomination of David H. Souter by President George H. W. Bush as an associate justice of the United States Supreme Court.

The Firm’s Practice areas have expanded to include, Litigation led by Mike Pignatelli, Environmental Law led by Sherry Young, Government Relations and Administrative Law, led by Tom Rath, and cutting edge Tax and Energy practices, led by Bill Ardinger and Curt Whittaker.

RYP opens an office in Nashua

Former shareholder Paul Barbadoro is nominated by President George Bush and confirmed as a Judge of United States District Court for the District of New Hampshire.

RYP moves to office space at One Capital Plaza Concord, NH

RYP adds a strategic consulting component, The Rath Group. The Firm acquires the Boston, Massachusetts law firm of Stalter and Kennedy, adding a Boston office and strengthening its real estate practice.

Bill Ardinger is appointed by Governor John Lynch to serve on the Board of Trustees for the University System of New Hampshire

The Firm, through Tom Rath, partners with the Washington Post, Bloomberg News, Dartmouth College and Binnie Media to produce a Republican presidential candidate debate in Hanover, NH.

RYP celebrates its 25th anniversary.

The Firm’s Tax Group is a founding member and organizer of the New England State and Local Tax Forum.

Former shareholder Ann McLane Kuster is elected to Congress for the 2nd Congressional District of New Hampshire.

Former shareholder Lucy Hodder is named Legal Counsel to Governor Maggie Hassan.

RYP has grown to almost 50 employees, with offices in Concord, Nashua and Boston.