Rath, Young and Pignatelli, P.C. is pleased to announce the new addition to our Shareholder team

How Community Power Is Transforming the New Hampshire Energy Landscape, One Year Later

In a recent article published in the New Hampshire Bar News, attorneys Katherine Hedges and Lauren Kilmister discuss the continued growing presence of Community Power programs in New Hampshire. Their article is a follow-up of their previous article in the New Hampshire Bar News, and highlights how Community Power programs have begun to deliver electricity to New Hampshire households, generally at lower costs and with a higher renewable generation mix.
Rath, Young and Pignatelli Obtains Landmark Free Speech & Press Ruling from NH Supreme Court in Richards v. Azzi

Attorney Michael S. Lewis obtained a landmark ruling from the NH Supreme Court bolstering free speech and free press rights, today, in the matter of Richards v. Azzi. Representing Robert Azzi, an award-winning columnist, as part of the firm’s pro bono practice, Lewis obtained a ruling from the NH Supreme Court protecting Azzi from liability for the content of an opinion column he published in the New Hampshire Union Leader. In the same decision, the Court resolved the open question of whether New Hampshire recognizes an independent cause of action known as “False Light – Invasion of Privacy” in Azzi’s favor. Grounding its decision in scholarship Azzi brought before the Court in his briefing, the Court declined to expand the risks of engaging in free speech and press by recognizing a new cause of action that threatens those interests. Generally, the decision strengthens protections for public commentary that are long recognized in New Hampshire and ensure. These protections, in turn, that New Hampshire will remain a forum for robust public debate, consistent with its standing as a jurisdiction whose citizens embrace and welcome such debate as part of their First-in-the-Nation political identity.
Rath, Young and Pignatelli’s Senior Litigation Shareholder, Michael Lewis, in NH Bar News

Former NH DOJ prosecutor and Rath Young senior litigation shareholder Mike Lewis published the following piece in the NH Bar News highlighting ethical issues arising for NH DOJ, as it defends DHHS and other public entities in civil litigation involving YDC abuse, while also prosecuting criminals for conduct the State of New Hampshire claims is indictment-worthy, based on the same, or nearly the same, subject matter.
New Hampshire Has a Better Approach to DAOs

Bill Ardinger has published an article at CoinDesk.com on New Hampshire legislation to clarify the legal status of “Decentralized Autonomous Organizations.” DAOs are potentially revolutionary enterprises that use blockchain technology to allow widely-distributed groups of participants to conduct governance and other transactions over the Internet. The legal status of DAOs under current laws is highly […]
FTC Issues Final Rule to Ban Non-Compete Clauses

On April 23, 2024, the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) issued a final rule that includes broad and sweeping bans on non-compete clauses throughout the United States with only very limited exceptions (the “Final Rule”). The FTC has announced the use of non-compete clauses in most circumstances will constitute an unfair and deceptive business practice giving rise to an array of civil penalties the FTC may seek in federal enforcement actions. The rule will go into effect 120 days after publication in the Federal Register. The Final Rule faces legal challenges in Court that may stay or delay its implementation.
Jamie N. Hage and Michael A. Pignatelli Named New Hampshire’s Top 200 Most Influential Business Leaders in the 2024 New Hampshire Business Review’s 200 List

Rath, Young and Pignatelli is proud to announce Jamie N. Hage and Michael A. Pignatelli as two of New Hampshire’s top 200 most influential business leaders on the 2024 New Hampshire 200 List by the New Hampshire Business Review.
Are Tailwinds Ahead for Offshore Wind in Gulf of Maine?

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management takes another key step towards approving the development of offshore wind energy in the Gulf of Maine.
Richard M. Parsons Recognized as One of NH’s 40 Under Forty

Rath Young Pignatelli is proud to announce that Richard M. Parsons, the Director of Government Relations in the firm’s RYP Granite Strategies group, has been named as one of New Hampshire’s 40 Under Forty by the Manchester Union Leader.
Community Power is Transforming the Energy Landscape in New Hampshire

More and more communities in New Hampshire are implementing community power programs, which allow a community to select its source of electricity with the goals of saving money, stabilizing rates and/or increasing the amount of renewable energy in the supply. Since this article was published in the NH Bar News, several more towns have launched their programs to residents, with dozens more planning to launch community power programs soon.